
About My Family

Currently, my immediate family consists of only me and my husband. It is small, but we are young and look forward to having our little family grow. We have just passed our second anniversary right before the new year.

My husband is from Utah/Nevada, and I am from Idaho, yet we actually met in Montana. One of these days I will share the full story, but for now, just know that it is a fun one, and I could tell our story over and over. My favorite part? It's still going!

I have been blessed with an amazing extended family as well, between my parents, my siblings, my aunts, uncles, and grandparents, there has never been any doubt that I am loved by someone. I enjoyed growing up with three sisters, and a brother, and oh, a daycare! There was never an dull moment in our home growing up.

A Little More About Us

Some Exciting News!!!

My Pregnancy

Me and My Family